
 1Q what is the use of Stalagnometer.

It is used to determine the surface tension of a liquid

2QWhat is surface tension and its units in SI and CGS

we know surface tension = F/l 

F = force

l = length 

hence units are:

SI = Newton/m

CGS = Dyne/cm

Definition: The force acting along the length of the surface at rightangles 

3QWhat is Surface energy and units

Energy required to increase the surface area of a liquid by unit area.

So surface energy  = W/A

W = work done

A = Area

Hence units are:

W = Joule

A = meter square

SI = Joule/m^2

CGS = Dyne/cm^2

4QRelation between Surface tension,Temperature and Intermolecular forces of attraction

Surface Tension is directly proportional to intermolecular forces

and indirectly proportional to Temperature.

5QDescribe about Stalagnometer.

Stalagnometer is kind o capillary tube having a bulb at the center.

when a liquid is allowed to flow through a capillary tube a drop will increase in size to a center point and then fall off

6Q what is the surface tension of water.



Stalagnometer method is also called Drop pippete method


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